This weekend (October 8th and 9th), we will be running a Learn to Sail course for aspiring sailors of all ages! The sailing instructors will be Chris Thompson, Deborah Apthorp, and Darren Knights.

The NESC Sailing School is a short weekend course that will teach kids or adults the basics of how to sail a small boat. By the end of the course, you should be able to sail around a small course, guided and supervised by instructors.
For three weeks after the Sailing School, students are invited on down for some more informal instruction from 10 am to noon, before the club race gets underway. After that, we’d love you to join in the normal sailing program, either just lazing afloat or by joining in our normal club races and training. We adjust the race courses so that everyone from beginners to experts can get around and have fun, and we keep on giving tips to help everyone have more fun afloat.
We have a variety of craft for you to learn on, ranging from windsurfers to catamarans and bigger boats (Corsairs) that can hold four people. Most sailors will learn on our mid-size Picos, which take one or two people. Smaller kids can try some smaller boats sized for sailors 12 and under.
We're excited about sharing our sport with new members, and we'll post photos after the weekend. There will be another sailing school later in the season in case you missed out this time.